This note that I'm writing is an ode to that city that I grew up in which May/May not be the same again.

Disclaimer: This article is just a note about this city and the emotional connection I have with. No political sides taken here. :)
I take a pride in calling myself a Hyderabadi. It is called A City of pearls, A City of Nawabs and of course the city which made Biryani famous and a distinction of being the only city which can make it taste good. To be precise, Mouth watering. :)
A city that has culture quintessentially conservative yet modern in its own way. Be it the Huge Ganesha's idol that is put in the centre of city every year or The Haleem Season when all most the entire city throngs to these shops to savour the sweetest delicacy you ever get to taste on this earth and important of all the Urdu Mixed accent of Hindi laced with the local Telugu language that the local guys speak and the slang they use, My city is truly unique.
I had been brought up here. I used to reside in the heart of city near the famous Birla temple. The first memory I have of this city is the famous Ganesha idol I have mentioned before where my dad used to take me before it is about to be immersed with such a grandeur. Every one in the locality used to dance to the rhythmic percussion beat in a different style of dance which I later came to know as “Teen -Maar”. All The festivals have their own way of celebrating style here.
The most innate quality of us is the way we bond with others. We bond with people easily. My Granny always says the one thing she likes about the city is the way they address each other calling Anna(brother) and amount of respect they give each other which she thinks the other big cities like Chennai and Bangalore lack. The city has its own way of loving each other, I agree on that with my Granny.
All of my life I had been in Hyderabad. I fell in love with her. I realized “How much I missed her I and How much she means to me” only when I had to move out of here. There is no exaggeration here but, my city beautifully treads between the different strata that reside in the city carrying the spirit this city stands for in their hearts.
Now, I see my city change in front of my own eyes. I don't know if the change is for good or bad or necessary. As Someone said,“ Change is the Rhythm of Living” and My city is changing slowly.
And this change has taken its effect on the Spirit of the city is associated with it. Of late, the spirit has been losing its sheen. Owing to Political scenarios across the state, City has suffered a lot. The spirit the city was broken to an extent. I see an emotion that has indifference to your surroundings and hatred which has crept into the bodies of the same people who carried the city's spirit I mentioned above.
I don't know what is in store for my city next year. But, I am sure that my city would regain its lost sheen. The spirit of the city might be broken but not dead for sure.
P.S. Khali-peeli angrezi bahut hogaya miyan!! Seedha Hyderabadi mein-ich boltun...