Like the Pleasant breeze in the evening….
Like the numbing coldness of the winter…
Like the First raindrop of the season….
Like the Unbearable heat of the summer…
This just a few ways of how they make us feel and they spare none (of course in good way)
Be it the unconditional love they show as a mother or the never ending kiddish fights as a sibling and of course the cloud nine feeling you give us as a special one in our lives. Nothing is parallel compared to the above.
No poem, no story or a few words wouldn't suffice to tell to all women out there in this world that how important are you, how inspiring are you and how gorgeous are you. Just a smile when you see us is enough to create a flutter in our small hearts.
We know we never ever expressed how much you all mean to us. So, this blog goes for all the endearing women in the world. We would continue loving you, respect you and need you at least till 2012 J
It's women's day and that's not the reason I am writing it here. We guys are foolish enough that we rarely actually acknowledge what difference you make in our lives. I on behalf of every guy take the
All I wish is…
Let your looks make us drool…
Let your beauty enchant us…
Let your love civilize us…
& needless to say… Don't STOP WO(oing)MAN.
somone has really actually tot about what women really are.. good one..
Arvi... I am touched by what you have written!!! No words to describe how happy I am to have such a great friend in u. :) And u r perfectly right in the fact that very very few men acknowledge what great role a women play in their lives. They dont realise it until no woman is around them.. and the most foolish of them dont realise their importance even in such situations.. :) Kudos to u da!!!! :)
Wow, great blog. And I must say you have really put in a lot of consideration into your blog. :) Enjoy WO(ing)MEN :)
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